Seed Library
The seed library is a fun way for gardeners in German Township to share seeds with one another. There is no cost to using the seed library, but we hope it continues to grow with donations from the community. It will be available year round in the adult department of the library. This project is sponsored by the Friends of Bremen Public Library. We’d love to see photos and hear stories about your seed library experiences.
How it Works
- Drop your seeds in the seed library donation drawer and fill out a slip (located in the donation drawer) to accompany them that tells us a little about the seeds.
- We’ll put enough seeds for 3-5 plants in an envelope with an informative label so the public will know what’s inside.
- They will then be placed in the seed library where patrons 16 and older can access them during regular business hours.
- When checking out seeds, make sure to sign the checkout clipboard so we know what to replace.
- Once your plant produces seeds of its own, bring them back to the library for another patron to enjoy!
- If your plan doesn’t produce any seeds, consider donating seeds off of another plant or extras from an open packet.
- Donations are never expected, but always appreciated.
We accept both commercially packaged and saved seed for herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Both outdoor and indoor plant seeds are accepted, as well as annuals and perennials. Give us a call if you have any questions. Information collected with donations include:
- Variety
- Harvest year
- Location
- Contact information
- Growing notes
For books on gardening, look for the call number 635 in the Non-Fiction. You can also find information in magazines, or BPL’s online databases. Visit the link below to see an online inventory and information/photos of each seed.