Public Computers
The library has nine computers for general public use in the Adult Department, eight in the Children’s Department, and three in the Young Adult Room. Each department also has one 15-minute station for quick printing and catalog searching. All of the general use computers have the Windows 10 operating system, internet access, Microsoft Office and more.
Use of the computers is on a first-come, first-served basis. Users are required to sign in with their library card at the computer. Guest passes are available for those who do not have a library card. Ask at the Help Desk if you need a guest pass. Sessions are limited to 30 minutes. If no one is on the wait list for the computer you are using, you may sign in for an additional session when your current session ends. There is a three-hour maximum use time per person per day.
Black-and-white printing is available for 10 cents per page. Color printing is 25 cents per page.
Please read our Internet and computer use policy.