Public Library Access Card (PLAC)
Questions and Answers
What is a Public Library Access Card (PLAC)?
The PLAC is a library card which allows the holder to borrow materials from any public library in the state of Indiana.
Is there a fee for a PLAC card?
Yes. The fee changes every January. For 2022 the fee is $65 per card. The card is valid for 1 year from the date of application.
Who is eligible for a PLAC?
If you have a valid resident or non-resident library card from any public library in Indiana, you are eligible for a PLAC. You must be in good standing with the issuing library and show identification with your name and current address when you apply for a card.
Can a family use one card?
No. The PLAC card is an individual card. There is no family card available.
What types of materials can I check out with a PLAC?
Books that normally circulate at public libraries will be available for loan. Other items will be available at the discretion of each public library.
Must I return materials borrowed with a PLAC to the location from which they came?
Yes. You must follow the rules of each library you use and assume responsibility for all materials you borrow. This includes paying for lost or damaged materials and overdue fines.
How long can I use a PLAC?
The PLAC expires one year from the date you apply for the card. When your PLAC expires, you can apply for another at any Indiana public library.
Will college students need a PLAC to use public libraries outside their home public library district?
Resident students are not required to have a PLAC to use the public library in the community where their college or university is located. If they choose to use a public library other than their home public library or the public library in the community where they attend school, then they may purchase a PLAC at either their home public library or the public library in their school’s community.