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Thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.

- EBSCOhost Research Databases
- Business Searching Interface
- Reference Centers: Biography, Science, History, Literary, Small Business
- Consumer Health Complete
- Rosetta Stone

- High-quality articles licensed from reputable publishers, recognized by library professionals
- Grades K-12
- Primary source documents

- Professional development
- College readiness
- Personal enrichment
- Sessions start monthly
- Use your library card to register for a free class

- Accurate and authoritative reference content
- Magazine and Journal articles
- Cross-searchable
- Variety of subjects including nursing, military and intelligence, literary, small business sources, and much more.

- Magazine and Journal articles
- Websites
- Images
- Informe! (Spanish language magazines and pamphlets)
- And more
- Frequently Asked Questions

- Historical Annual Reports
- Municipal, Corporate, & Government Manuals
- Country & Industry Reports
- Ford Equity Research Reports
Genealogy and Family History Databases

- Ancestry presents comprehensive genealogy resources including federal and state census images, military records, immigration and passenger list records, indexes of vital statistics, and more.
- Ancestry is available to users of our public computer network within our library.

Community Heritage Online Database
- Obituaries from The Bremen Enquirer
- Bremen Cemetery records from Bremen Clerk’s office
- Local veterans of the Civil War, WWI, and WWII
- Links to recommended websites for genealogy and family history research